2025 Summer Camp Registration!

Registration open Feb. 3-May 16, 2025

Camps run June 17-19, 2025

Find Your Career

Choose from 20+ programs and take the next step


MiCareerQuest Char-Em ISD is a career and college readiness event giving 9th and 10th graders the opportunity to interact with dozens of employers representing numerous occupations.

Exciting Career Opportunities

The drone service market will create about 100,000 new jobs in the next few years alone!

Explore Our Lineworker Program

Students who successfully complete the program will be ready to apply directly to possible employers for an apprenticeship.

PowerSports Technology

In the class you will disassemble, measure, and reassemble small engines and equipment in order to gain experience and skills that will be useful moving forward.

Public Safety

Students in the Public Safety course will learn components of public safety careers through hands-on experience.

A great place to start planning a career

All schools within the Charlevoix-Emmet Intermediate School District offer a variety of experiences that help students explore careers and prepare for future education and the world of work.


What is Career & Technical Education?

Career & Technical Education is an essential component of the total educational system and is critical to our workforce development. This education for the work place has been called many things over the years – vocational education, technical education, career education, occupational education and workforce training. We call it Career and Technical Education or CTE.

Career and Technical Education is provided in a variety of settings and levels including awareness of different jobs at the elementary level, middle school career exploration, secondary CTE programs, post secondary certificates and degrees, and whole community – students and families, teachers and schools, and businesses. It includes academics, work experience, occupational training, career counseling and joint activities between business and education.

CTE Program Spotlight

Aviation Science and Technology

Construction Technology

Public Safety

CTE Interactive Magazine

Start Working On Your Future Career Now!

Think about all the people you know who graduated from high school in the past few years. Very likely here’s what you’ll see:

  • Some young grads may have earned a college degree and are now in satisfying careers.
  • Others may have changed college majors two or three times. Likely they’re still in school trying to discover a good career “fit.”
  • Others may have dropped out after a semester or two, disenchanted because they have no clear vision of the future.
  • Still others may take other approaches leading to satisfying careers.

As you’ve watched the lives of other students unfold, likely you already know there are many different ways to prepare for a wide variety of satisfying careers. Today you can begin early in school.

Char-Em ISD provides opportunities for career exploration K-12. Throughout this website, you’ll see how we are reaching kids of all ages to encourage them to start thinking about and exploring careers!

Explore CTE Programs

Agriculture, Agricultural Operations & Related Sciences

Audio Engineering and Video Editing


Aviation Science and Technology

Business Administration and Management

Construction Technology


Culinary Arts

Digital/Multimedia Design

Drafting and Design Technology

Energy Fundamentals: Lineworker Emphasis

Future Educator Academy

Graphics and Printing Technology

Health Occupations


Machine Tool Technology

Marketing, Sales and Service

PowerSports Technology

Public Safety

TV & Film Production and Broadcasting

Unmanned Vehicle Technology

Welding Technology

Woodworking and Furniture Making

Interactive Program Map

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