What is Co-op?

Co-op is on-the-job training at a work site during school hours. It is designed to give students a supervised, practical application of work experience based on previously learned skills in a related industry.

Work-Based learning at-a-glance from MDE

Benefits of Co-op

For students: It provides a safe learning/working environment for the student to demonstrate skills and verify their chosen career pathway.

For businesses and the community: It provides an opportunity to mentor our future workforce and fill our talent pipeline.

Requirements for Co-op

â–ª 12th grade student AND at least 17 years old
â–ª On track to graduate and passing all classes
â–ª Acceptable school attendance records
▪ Availability in student’s schedule to attend half day of classes
and half day of Co-op
â–ª Educational Development Plan (EDP) relates to desired industry
â–ª Taking a class related to the Co-op during 12th grade
â–ª Reliable transportation to and from the Co-op site
â–ª Responsible and respectful attitude and a willingness to learn

How to apply:

Please check with your high school counselor before completing the application.

Complete an application (linked below) and send it to your guidance counselor.
Options for completing the application:
1. Download the PDF and fill out the application electronically
2. Print and fill out by hand
3. Request a hard copy from your counselor’s office

Co-op Application for printing

Fillable Application for electronic completion
(to access the fillable features, download the PDF to your computer, save, and then fill out)

To learn more about the Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates program, click here.


View the Co-op flyer below; click image to open PDF version

Explore CTE Programs

Agriscience and Horticulture

Audio Engineering and Video Editing


Aviation Science and Technology

Business Administration and Management

Construction Technology


Culinary Arts

Digital/Multimedia Design

Drafting and Design Technology

Energy Fundamentals: Lineworker Emphasis

Future Educator Academy

Graphics and Printing Technology

Health Occupations

Machine Tool Technology

Marketing, Sales and Service

PowerSports Technology

Public Safety

TV & Film Production and Broadcasting

Unmanned Vehicle Technology

Welding Technology

Woodworking and Furniture Making

Interactive Program Map

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