Summer Work Programs

MRS Summer Work Program

Char-Em ISD and local employers know that summer jobs are an important part of the teen years for many young adults. Through this unique program, students from local school districts have the opportunity to work at a number of locations, including Boyne Highlands, Boyne Mountain or a State Park (Young, Petoskey, Wilderness or Fisherman’s Island). Work sites are based on the student’s interest, skill level, partnerships with agencies and businesses, and a student’s Educational Development Plan(EDP). Students are able to earn minimum wage and each site has a job coach that helps supervise and teach the students skills they need to be successful in the workforce, including the soft skills like showing up on time and dressing the part.

For more information contact your school’s
Career Preparation Specialist:

Liz Nachazel,
Jessica Bonter,
Margaret Holes,

Young Professionals Summer Work Program

Northwest Michigan Works! has partnered with Charlevoix-Emmet Intermediate School District and Drost Landscape to provide an opportunity for high school graduates that are interested in learning the trades, as well as building their ca-
reer with Drost. When shown the available opportunities within companies and industries such as Drost, the sky’s the limit!

Up to 7 students, who meet eligibility requirements will spend part of their summer learning alongside professionals in the landscape design and construction industry. Through its Young Professionals program, Northwest Michigan Works!
will provide to each student a tool kit and necessary equipment they can use during the work experience and to keep after the program is completed. Included in the tool kit are those items typically used by professionals in the landscape design and construction industries. Throughout the work experience program, students will earn $17/hour.

For more info, contact:

Tory Thrush, Char-Em ISD: (231) 340-3432

Explore CTE Programs

Agriscience and Horticulture

Audio Engineering and Video Editing


Aviation Science and Technology

Business Administration and Management

Construction Technology


Culinary Arts

Digital/Multimedia Design

Drafting and Design Technology

Energy Fundamentals: Lineworker Emphasis

Future Educator Academy

Graphics and Printing Technology

Health Occupations

Machine Tool Technology

Marketing, Sales and Service

PowerSports Technology

Public Safety

TV & Film Production and Broadcasting

Unmanned Vehicle Technology

Welding Technology

Woodworking and Furniture Making

Interactive Program Map

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