Welding Skills Labs
A new after-hours Welding Skills Lab is being offered to participants of all ages interested in developing their welding skills to enhance a current career – or start a new one! The need for welders throughout the region, state and country remains high. These skills will set you on a path to success!
2022 Information
(Look for 2023 details coming soon!)
About the Welding Skills Lab
Begins Thursday, Jan. 20, 2022
Every Monday and Thursday for 15 weeks | 4 to 6 p.m.
› Class location: East Jordan High School Welding Lab.
› Instructor: David Muladore, EJ High School Welding teacher.
› Open to anyone, professional or hobbyist.
› Upon successful completion, earn AWS Level 1, 2 or 3 certifications.
› Cost of $1,200 includes all supplies and instruction; scholarships available through Northwest Michigan Works! Private pay available.