Welding Academy

What is the Welding Academy: The Char-Em ISD Welding Academy takes place at East Jordan High School, where students will develop basic welding knowledge and skill application. They will participate in the creation of a team welding project and complete student-made take home projects. Students will experience first-hand what it is like to operate various equipment used in the welding industry, including welding power sources, grinders and manual plasma tables. This interactive experience will surely spark students’ interest and stretch their minds as they explore the exciting and rewarding opportunities available through a career as a welder and/or metal fabricator.
Welding Academy Dates: Due to popularity of the camp, it is offered for two, three-day sessions; students should register for only one session.
June 17-19, 2025 or
June 24-26, 2025
Welding Academy Times: 9 am- 2 pm daily
Welding Academy Grades: Students in grades 8-11 (current school year 24-25)
Welding Academy Location: East Jordan High SchoolÂ
Welding Academy Cost: The cost for Welding Academy is $150, which includes registration, a light snack each day and a T-shirt! Change from previous years: Lunch will not be provided. Please pack a lunch each day for your student(s). Light snack will be provided during the day.
Is transportation available?
Char-Em ISD will provide specific transportation routes at no additional charge. Look for transportation registration details during the online course registration process. (Note: transportation is not provided to Pellston High School.) Transportation routes are detailed in the online registration process. 2025 Bus Routes here!
Need more information?
Please contact Tory Thrush, Char-Em ISD Career/College Readiness Consultant, (231) 308-0287.