Life Unplugged

Life Unplugged

Life Unplugged is an interactive educational experience for young people that helps them envision what they want for their futures. Participants make decisions, learn financial literacy and what it means to be an adult – the real world! The event is coordinated by Char-Em ISD and school counselors.

Contact Kelly Miller, K-12 Career and College Readiness Specialist, at (231) 582-8070 or your school counselor for specific date and time of Life Unplugged in your district.

To the right is the form the students use during Life Unplugged:

Explore CTE Programs

Agriscience and Horticulture

Audio Engineering and Video Editing


Aviation Science and Technology

Business Administration and Management

Construction Trades

Culinary Arts

Digital/Multimedia Design

Drafting and Design Technology

Energy Fundamentals: Lineworker Emphasis

Future Educator Academy

Graphics and Printing Technology

Health Occupations

Machine Tool Technology

Marketing, Sales and Service

PowerSports Technology

Public Safety

TV & Film Production and Broadcasting

Unmanned Vehicle Technology

Welding Technology

Woodworking and Furniture Making

Interactive Program Map

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